Speed Reading to Read Faster? It is Just a Matter of Belief
Just recently I worked with a client organisation to help them become more effective readers by teaching them speed reading so they could read faster. In this short 5 minute video I discuss the biggest problem I encounter when helping people with their reading and what you can do about it: Improving your reading speed…
How To Remember Names – The Simple Secret Everyone Forgets
Do you speak to call centres? I speak to call centres a lot. And today over 2 separate call centres I spoke to 4 different people. Now that is a quiet day because it was only a computer and internet connection problem I had today. If I have to speak to the bank, check an…
UK Open Memory Championships – Geeks or What?
The UK Open Memory Championships takes place in London this coming weekend (Simpsons in the Strand 16-17th August). 26 competitors will attempt to memorise lots of cards, numbers dates, images and other seemingly rather meaningless data over these two days with winner going on to compete in the World Championships in Bahrain later this year.…
Michael Tipper Interviewed For WIRED Magazine about Speed Reading
I think I must be on a bit of a roll in terms of my media exposure just lately. First of all there was the BBC Asian Network guru slot, then the interview for the industry leading “Mind Mapping Software” Blog with Chuck Frey and now WIRED Magazine have had me on the blower doing…
Meditation and Memory – Why Is It So Good?
When asked “How Can I Improve My Memory?”, there are a number of answers I could give. It really depends what mood I am in, the needs of the person asking the question and specifically what they want help with. The trouble with most people who ask the question is they only have a general…
Is My Memory Getting Worse Because I am Getting Older?
This question of age and its relation to an apparent decline in memory performance is one that I get asked a lot. Well that is not strictly true because I don’t get asked that very often but I do get TOLD that is the reason why people’s memory is getting poorer. It is a commonly…
Photographic Memory – Is There Such A Thing?
So is there such a thing as a photographic memory? Many of the people I speak to would love to have the ability to see something once and then remember it for the rest of their days. The ability to be able to absorb everything that we have ever read, every conversation we have ever…
Mind Mapping Training – New Website
One of the tools that has had a major impact on my life has been Mind Mapping. Developed by Tony Buzan, it is an incredibly powerful thinking device that has made a massive difference in the way I think. Having been an avid user of Mind Mapping for just over 15 years and a teacher…
Remembering Spellings – The Keyboard Approach
I was running a seminar just recently where I was helping a group of medical professionals understand effective learning techniques. Their profession has just implemented a process of Continuing Professional Development and so they wanted so help with their studying strategies and how to improve their memory. We had a great session and at the…
Michael Tipper – Academy of Chief Executives’ New Speaker of the Year
I have always admired those people who were described as “award winning” in their particular field. It says to me that the person has achieved something of note but has been recognised by an organisation separate from themselves. Last year I went to an Academy of Chief Executives Speaker Showcase to give a flavour of…