Time Travel To Your 16 Year Old Self

Has Audiences Learning, Laughing and Leaving InspiredMenuCloseHomeBlogPresentationsRead Faster and Remember More KeynoteGetting More Done KeynoteProfitable Positive Reinforcement KeynoteTrainingLeadership TrainingGetting More Done TrainingAbout MichaelContact MichaelMediaHindsight’s A Wonderful ThingCoaching teenagers is such a rewarding thing to do..It’s definitely a stretch activity because of the need to connect with them across the generational gap.But it’s also immensely satisfying to…
I’m Dictating My Next Cheat Sheet

Has Audiences Learning, Laughing and Leaving InspiredMenuCloseHomeBlogPresentationsRead Faster and Remember More KeynoteGetting More Done KeynoteProfitable Positive Reinforcement KeynoteTrainingLeadership TrainingGetting More Done TrainingAbout MichaelContact MichaelMediaEver Wanted To Write A Book But Didn’t Think You Had Time?I’ve written 5 books on Memory Improvement & Study Skills that have been translated into 7 different languages.I slaved over a hot…
Remembering Names Cheat Sheet

Has Audiences Learning, Laughing and Leaving InspiredMenuCloseHomeBlogPresentationsRead Faster and Remember More KeynoteGetting More Done KeynoteProfitable Positive Reinforcement KeynoteTrainingLeadership TrainingGetting More Done TrainingAbout MichaelContact MichaelMediaHow To Remember NamesIn yesterday’s post I shared my most recent BBC appearance where I talked about remembering names.It clearly resonated so I thought I’d collate the best advice from the comments and…
My Most Recent BBC Appearance

Has Audiences Learning, Laughing and Leaving InspiredMenuCloseHomeBlogPresentationsRead Faster and Remember More KeynoteGetting More Done KeynoteProfitable Positive Reinforcement KeynoteTrainingLeadership TrainingGetting More Done TrainingAbout MichaelContact MichaelMediaOn The BBC Talking About How To Remember NamesWinning the Silver Medal in the World Memory Championships all those years ago set me on a very interesting career path.But it also gave fuel…
How Did You Prepare When You Were 16

Has Audiences Learning, Laughing and Leaving InspiredMenuCloseHomeBlogPresentationsRead Faster and Remember More KeynoteGetting More Done KeynoteProfitable Positive Reinforcement KeynoteTrainingLeadership TrainingGetting More Done TrainingAbout MichaelContact MichaelMediaThe Government Cancelled This Year’s Exams, But….It Doesn’t Mean There Won’t Be Any!I bumped into a teacher friend recently.Someone I’d not seen since before the lockdowns started last year.We had a good chinwag…
Want To Improve Your Memory? Take a Sniff or Two of Rosemary… Or Not?

Researchers at Northumbria University in the North East of England have recently released some research that shows student can gain a 5-7% improvement in memory tests if they work in a room that has “an aroma of rosemary”. Students were given a series of tasks of increasing difficulty to perform whilst also giving them random…
Memorising Long Texts – Memory Expert Michael Tipper on BBC Radio Bristol

When media Organisations are looking for someone to comment on an issue related to memory improvement or performance, they will do a keyword search on “memory expert” and usually find their way to this website. Just last week Sky News needed some input on research that has identified we can memorise just about anything we…
Health and Fitness at the 2015 Cheltenham Science Festival – Part 2

This is part 2 of my account of visiting the 2015 Cheltenham Science Festival. You can find part 1 of this account here at My Visit to the 2015 Cheltenham Science Festival for Health and Fitness – Part 1. I have recorded a podcast for the entire visit that you can either play here now…
My Visit To The 2015 Cheltenham Science Festival For Health And Fitness – Part 1

I have a deep interest in maintaining my own health, fitness and well being and in doing so have discovered information, ideas, tips, tricks and techniques along the way that I would like to share with you. In this special edition I am going to look at what was on offer at the 2015 Cheltenham…