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How To Remember Names

In yesterday's post I shared my most recent BBC appearance where I talked about remembering names.

It clearly resonated so I thought I'd collate the best advice from the comments and share them with you.

Firstly, it's key to realise most difficulties recalling someone's name are a problem of concentration (not getting it in the first place) than a problem of memory.

So here's how to remember someone's name when you first meet them.

1. OFFER YOUR NAME first, saying it slowly and carefully, repeating your first name twice - "Hi, I'm Michael, Michael Tipper".

2. LISTEN intently for their name in return and make sure you HEAR it.

3. Instantly REPEAT back their name to them as a greeting - "Hi Michael, it's great to meet you".

4. USE their name frequently during the conversation - "What do you think Michael?"

5. Mentally REVIEW the names of the people you've just met and REPEAT them to yourself frequently during your meeting.

6. When you leave, SAY GOODBYE and use their name one last time "Nice to have met you Michael"

7. For bonus points, MAKE NOTES on the people you've just met including any photographs you might have. I use Evernote for this.

8. For long term recall, REVIEW your notes regularly. Your thoughts?


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