Ginkgo Biloba For Memory Improvement – Yes It Works, No It Doesn’t, Yes It Does – Who should You believe?

Have you ever heard someone back up some argument with “well research has proven that….” Now I used to be impressed by those sorts of statements because I thought they had done their own reading around the subject and of course if research has proven that… (whatever “that” might be) then it must be true.…

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Mind Mapping Skills – Helping PhD Students Understand This Powerful Thinking Tool

Today I have been helping some PhD Students from a major UK medical research charity understand the power of Mind Mapping. There are two ways to look at the way I share what I have learnt with others. The first way is by looking at particular problems I have solved for myself and for others…

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Happiness and Memory…

“Happiness is good health and a bad memory…” Ingrid Bergman

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Amnesiac’s Answerphone Message

Brrrrrrrring…….. Brrrrrrrring…….. Click….. Pause…. I can’t come to the phone now because I have amnesia and I feel stupid talking to people I don’t remember. I’d appreciate it if you could help me out by leaving my name and telling me something about myself. Thanks. Beeeeeeeeeep……

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Amnesia Joke

What are the three best things about having amnesia: 1.   You can hide your own Easter Eggs 2.   You meet a new person everyday 3.   You can hide your own Easter Eggs

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My Favourite Bumper Sticker

“Everyone one has a photographic memory… ….some just don’t have any film.”

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Seriously Funny Joke…. Mental Health Hotline

I share this with you because I suffer or have suffered from at least 4 of the following conditions yet I still find this hilarious. It is primarily included because of the memory part of the joke. It is meant to make light of mental health issues because there is more chance of us being…

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Do You Remember The Green Vase?

I had a very interesting conversation with my soon to be Ex-wife just recently.  I was very fortunate to have been married to a very caring and sensitive woman for the best part of 17 years and though things didn’t work out between us, we have remained extremely good friends. A couple of days ago my…

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Marriage and Memory – Advice For Husbands Everywhere

Any married man should seriously consider forgetting all of the mistakes he ever made with his wife…. There is no point in two people remembering the same thing and in any argument you can bet she will certainly get historical!

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Understanding And Memory – Which Comes First?

There is a great debate in educational circles about which should come first, memory or understanding.  So when you are learning a topic should you understand it first or should you memorise the facts and then try and work out what they mean? Because I focus on memory improvement techniques and how to memorise things…

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