Mind Mapping Training – New Website

One of the tools that has had a major impact on my life has been Mind Mapping.

Developed by Tony Buzan, it is an incredibly powerful thinking device that has made a massive difference in the way I think.

Having been an avid user of Mind Mapping for just over 15 years and a teacher of it for the last 10 I can strongly endorse it as a thinking process that WILL enhance your professional life.

I am so passionate about sharing its benefits that I have a dedicated Mind Mapping Blog to help you get the most out of the tool

In addition I have just launched my new Mind Mapping Training website if your organisation is interested in developing their business thinking skills.

Recent events where I have shared the benefits and “How To” of Mind Mapping include:

  1. Working with a team of accountants who wanted to develop their thinking processes
  2. Running conference breakout sessions for the R&D arm of a major international company
  3. Working one on one with an Australian Real Estate agent keen to develop their knowledge and understanding of their industry and their marketplace.
  4. Working with the European subsidiary of an American Pharmaceutical company interested in developing their staff’s skills at dealing with recently mandated
    Continuing Professional Development requirements
  5. Sharing advanced study and revision skills to an audience of students about to start university
  6. Delivering a Keynote to 800 Financial Advisors whose industry is going through major reviews across a number of areas, including training and development

In my humble opinion, the efficiencies, effectiveness and increased productivity required by today’s knowledge worker are simply not possible by just working harder or reading faster.

There are a variety of strategies, techniques and tools that can help deal with this increasing workload (which is one of the major causes of workplace stress) however at the core of all of these is the necessity to use our brains far more efficiently.

Mind Mapping allows us to do that and if you want to find out more, click here to discover more about Mind Mapping Training.