My Favourite Bumper Sticker
“Everyone one has a photographic memory… ….some just don’t have any film.”
Seriously Funny Joke…. Mental Health Hotline
I share this with you because I suffer or have suffered from at least 4 of the following conditions yet I still find this hilarious. It is primarily included because of the memory part of the joke. It is meant to make light of mental health issues because there is more chance of us being…
Do You Remember The Green Vase?
I had a very interesting conversation with my soon to be Ex-wife just recently. I was very fortunate to have been married to a very caring and sensitive woman for the best part of 17 years and though things didn’t work out between us, we have remained extremely good friends. A couple of days ago my…
Marriage and Memory – Advice For Husbands Everywhere
Any married man should seriously consider forgetting all of the mistakes he ever made with his wife…. There is no point in two people remembering the same thing and in any argument you can bet she will certainly get historical!
Understanding And Memory – Which Comes First?
There is a great debate in educational circles about which should come first, memory or understanding. So when you are learning a topic should you understand it first or should you memorise the facts and then try and work out what they mean? Because I focus on memory improvement techniques and how to memorise things…
A Parent’s Concern About Her Son’s Memory
As someone who has a strong interest in memory development and improvement, I am consulted by people from all walks of life who want to find out more about how they can improve their memory for their specific circumstances. Many of those who ask me to help them are concerned parents. Here is a question…
A Really Bad Memory Joke
Lady: “I want to divorce my husband because he has a bad memory.” Friend: “Why on earth would you want to divorce him because of that?” Lady: “It’s quite simple…Every time he is around other women he keeps forgetting he is married!” If you have any really good (or even really bad :-)) memory…
Remembering People’s Names Is Just So Important
I was reminded of the importance of being able to remember peoples names when you have just met them only last night. I have been in Bournemouth for a couple of days visiting my speaking agent and spending some time at an events exhibition/convention. Marek and all the team from Parliament Communications were manning a…
Memory Expert Michael Tipper’s Brand New And Completely Free Video Memory Improvement Course
[NOTE – This course is no longer available and has been superceded] If you want to know how to improve your memory in seven easy steps, just by watching seven very short videos then you have come to the right place. I am pleased to announce that my new (and completely free) seven part memory…
Today’s Friday Funny – Just a Quickie but you’ll love it!
Patient: Doctor, Doctor, I think my memory is going! Doctor: When did this happen? Patient: When did what happen? I have been having a trawl through my joke books and through the internet to find you an amusing memory ditty for you to chuckle on this fine Friday and I just had to tell you…