Talking About New Year’s Resolutions in February!

I know it is February and New Year’s Eve is a long time ago (I mean it is last year!) but did you set any New Years Resolutions?

If you did, how did you get on with them?

Well I set some and I wanted to share with you how they have been going.

On New Years Day I wrote a blog post about keeping your new years resolutions and recommended using a form to help you keep track of your progress.

Well I have been using that form and I wanted to share January’s completed form with you because it really does work to keep you on track (well why would I promote anything to you that did not work).

Here is my January progress form:

As you can see in every box there is a check check mark to show on that day I did something towards keeping that New Year Resolution.

I mentioned in that post that you should have a bronze/silver/gold level of activity for each resolution you set and that works really well too so that I can maintain the momentum of progress.

I am delighted at this and how well it has worked but how did you get on with yours?

Let me know what worked (or didn’t work) for your resolutions by adding a comment below.