Is My Memory Getting Worse Because I am Getting Older?
This question of age and its relation to an apparent decline in memory performance is one that I get asked a lot. Well that is not strictly true because I don’t get asked that very often but I do get TOLD that is the reason why people’s memory is getting poorer. It is a commonly…
Photographic Memory – Is There Such A Thing?
So is there such a thing as a photographic memory? Many of the people I speak to would love to have the ability to see something once and then remember it for the rest of their days. The ability to be able to absorb everything that we have ever read, every conversation we have ever…
Helping Dental Trainers Improve Their Memory
One of the great joys about the work I do is the wide variety of people I get to meet and work with. I encounter all sorts of different people from all sorts of different backgrounds in all sorts of different places. Often, even in completely different sectors and industries, I keep bumping into the…
Remember it is Star Wars Day – May the Fourth be With You
Happy Star Wars Day. Sadly not a bank holiday yet but maybe with enough campaigning we can get the government to recognise this important day. I mean after the last census here in the UK, enough people put “Jedi” as their spiritual bias that it is now officially a religion. In my opinion Star Wars…
My Latest Memory Challenge
Let me share with you my latest memory challenge. I am going to Ukraine in the summer as part of an Aikido Summer School. My teacher, sensei Kolesnikov is from Ukraine and he returns there every couple of years to teach his Aikido Students. I met a few of them a couple of years ago…
Remembering Babies Names – 7 Things To Do If You Have Forgotten
The other day I was sat in my office pontificating on some aspect of memory improvement, I forget what it was now (oh if only I had a £1 for every time someone cracked a joke like that at my expense ) and the phone rang. When I answered it I could hear the faint…
Ginkgo Biloba For Memory Improvement – Yes It Works, No It Doesn’t, Yes It Does – Who should You believe?
Have you ever heard someone back up some argument with “well research has proven that….” Now I used to be impressed by those sorts of statements because I thought they had done their own reading around the subject and of course if research has proven that… (whatever “that” might be) then it must be true.…
Amnesiac’s Answerphone Message
Brrrrrrrring…….. Brrrrrrrring…….. Click….. Pause…. I can’t come to the phone now because I have amnesia and I feel stupid talking to people I don’t remember. I’d appreciate it if you could help me out by leaving my name and telling me something about myself. Thanks. Beeeeeeeeeep……
Amnesia Joke
What are the three best things about having amnesia: 1. You can hide your own Easter Eggs 2. You meet a new person everyday 3. You can hide your own Easter Eggs