Reading Out Aloud When is it Good For You?

Subvocalisation is one of the challenges we have to overcome if we are going to learn how to read much faster. It is a habit we develop when we first learn to read because the teachers (and our parents) need to know we are doing it right. It is simply saying to ourselves what we are…

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How to Keep Your New Year’s Resolutions in 3 Simple Steps

So it is just a few short days into the New Year and if you set your New Year’s Resolutions on 31st December, how are you getting on with them? Have you kept to your commitment or, like millions of others, have you already wavered in your pledge to stop or start whatever it was…

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What It Really Takes To Be An Effective Reader

I teach people how to become more effective readers all the time. The strategies are really quite simple and you can divide an effective reading course (or speed reading course if you prefer that description) into three phases: Phase I This gets rid of the bad habits we are taught in school that have been…

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Mnemonics, Mnemosyne and How to Memorize

Let me take you back in time just a few wee centuries and share with you what very little I know about Greek Mythology. Zeus was king of the Gods at that time (must have had a good election campaign that year) and he had a little intern called Mnemosyne. Now Mnemosyne is the personification of memory…

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Britney Spears – How to Keep Your New Year’s Resolutions Guaranteed!

+++++STOP PRESS++++ Stunning news….. Has the violence in Gaza ceased? Is the cholera epidemic coming to an end in Zimbabwe? No…. I think Britney Spears is going to try and stop biting her nails in 2009. Bet you are delighted to hear that and I am sure the world will be a better place for…

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Speed Reading to Read Faster? It is Just a Matter of Belief

Just recently I worked with a client organisation to help them become more effective readers by teaching them speed reading so they could read faster. In this short 5 minute video I discuss the biggest problem I encounter when helping people with their reading and what you can do about it: Improving your reading speed…

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New Years Resolutions – A Waste of Time or the Start of a New Beginning

I always find the week between Christmas and New Year is a bit of a no man’s land. The festive balloon that had been hyped to full capacity from sometime in August when the first Christmas cards started to appear in the shops has deflated – rather more rapidly than previous years (or is that…

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SpinVox – An Amazing Free Voice-Text Transcription Service You Can Use From Your Mobile Phone

I was out walking the dog the other day and found myself in the middle of a muddy field miles away from the dry, warm comfort of home trying to keep track of Jess (my collie) as she scurried around looking for sticks to be thrown. It was early evening, the sun had gone down,…

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What Are Your Company Meetings Like?

When your organisation has a “company day” are you excited by the prospect or do you groan at the thought of hours of death by powerpoint (DBPP) and tedious presentations from people who seem to say the same things over and over again (often whilst they are looking at the screen with their backs to…

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How To Remember Names – The Simple Secret Everyone Forgets

Do you speak to call centres? I speak to call centres a lot. And today over 2 separate call centres I spoke to 4 different people. Now that is a quiet day because it was only a computer and internet connection problem I had today. If I have to speak to the bank, check an…

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