Feedback on My Latest Book on Memory Improvement

Last year my latest book on Memory Improvement Techniques was published by Duncan Baird Publishers in the both the UK and US.

I was very pleased with it because I felt it was not only extremely informative but also very practical.

Many memory improvement books can alienate the reader quite easily because some strategies for improving the ability to remember and recall are quite complex to describe in the written form.

They are very easy to describe verbally but to put the description into words is quite a challenge.

So even if I do say so myself, this is a good book on how to improve your memory.

But don’t take my word for it.

Just recently a very satisfied reader who purchased the book from a bookstore (i.e. not from me) took the time and trouble to let me know what they thought of the book.

Here is what they had to say:

Dear Mr. Tipper

I just want to compliment you on your exceptional book “Memory Power-Up”.

I took a memory course years ago, and it was promising, but I lost the training due to disuse.  Now I am in the process of trying to attain a trained memory.  I have several very good books in addition to yours. All the information necessary is already available in other books. 

However, yours is the only one that is like having a personal coach between two paperback covers.  “Memory Power- Up” stands out enormously in the way it deals with all the mental blocks and other obstacles a learner is likely to run into.

Congratulations, and thanks again.

Jay Maupin

So if you would like your very own copy of this book Click here to get your copy.