I Am Off To Florida

Brrr it is cold here in the UK at the moment because of the coldest weather and the heaviest snow falls we have had in this part of the world for 18 years. Now whilst I love the snow (nothing better than that crunchy feeling as fresh snow compacts under your boots) it is a…
What Are Your Company Meetings Like?

When your organisation has a “company day” are you excited by the prospect or do you groan at the thought of hours of death by powerpoint (DBPP) and tedious presentations from people who seem to say the same things over and over again (often whilst they are looking at the screen with their backs to…
Helping Dental Trainers Improve Their Memory

One of the great joys about the work I do is the wide variety of people I get to meet and work with. I encounter all sorts of different people from all sorts of different backgrounds in all sorts of different places. Often, even in completely different sectors and industries, I keep bumping into the…
Mind Mapping Skills – Helping PhD Students Understand This Powerful Thinking Tool

Today I have been helping some PhD Students from a major UK medical research charity understand the power of Mind Mapping. There are two ways to look at the way I share what I have learnt with others. The first way is by looking at particular problems I have solved for myself and for others…