What Do You Do With Your Time?
What do you do with your time? This is a crucial time management question to ask yourself. The first part of solving any problem is an accurate analysis of the situation and that is just as true for learning how to get more from your time as it is for anything else. If you want…
Are You A Tortoise Or a Hare?
One of my favourite quotes sits on my desktop on my computer and it says this: “Those who are blessed with the most talent don’t necessarily outperform everyone else. It’s the people with follow through who excel!” I think I got this from one of Brian Tracy’s books or tapes and it has been something…
What It Really Takes To Be An Effective Reader
I teach people how to become more effective readers all the time. The strategies are really quite simple and you can divide an effective reading course (or speed reading course if you prefer that description) into three phases: Phase I This gets rid of the bad habits we are taught in school that have been…
SpinVox – An Amazing Free Voice-Text Transcription Service You Can Use From Your Mobile Phone
I was out walking the dog the other day and found myself in the middle of a muddy field miles away from the dry, warm comfort of home trying to keep track of Jess (my collie) as she scurried around looking for sticks to be thrown. It was early evening, the sun had gone down,…
What Are Your Company Meetings Like?
When your organisation has a “company day” are you excited by the prospect or do you groan at the thought of hours of death by powerpoint (DBPP) and tedious presentations from people who seem to say the same things over and over again (often whilst they are looking at the screen with their backs to…
Maximise Your Productivity…In Your Sleep?
If you are anything like me then you probably subscribe to lots of e mail newsletters and are on lots of lists. I receive information about playing the guitar, about improving my health, lots about marketing and business development and a whole host of stuff from people who think that because I have given them…
What Am I Listening to Right Now?
Have you heard of the Pit Bull of Personal Development? Or how about the World’s First Irritational Speaker? [Both those terms are trade marked by the way] Well these are references to a professional speaker called Larry Winget. He has just released a CD programme called “Success is Your Own Damn Fault” with Nightingale Conant…
How Do People In Business Today Need To Think To Catch Up, Keep Up and Get Ahead?
I was interviewed this week about the work I do in encouraging people in business to improve their results by improving the quality of their thinking. Here is one question string I was asked: Q – In what ways does business today require higher levels of thinking? Why is it a necessity? What’s the risk…
Information Overwhelm? – Here is an Important Word You MUST Know
Yesterday I ran another one of my Hour a Day Workshops at a rather nice hotel in central London. The background to the development of this programme was rooted in the Information Overwhelm problem that we face in today’s fast paced world. At first glance the most obvious skill to develop is that of being…
Effective Time Management – Can You Find an Extra Hour a Day?
It is the stroke of midnight on the 31st December 2007…. You have fended off the slobbering lips of those insisting on kissing one and all, you have given your hugs, spilt your drink and made your resolution to this year actually keep your New Year’s Resolutions. As you look back on the year that…