Has Audiences Learning, Laughing and Leaving Inspired


Ever Wanted To Write A Book But Didn't Think You Had Time?

I've written 5 books on Memory Improvement & Study Skills that have been translated into 7 different languages.

I slaved over a hot keyboard to write each one.

Outline, type, edit, retype....

Outline, type, edit, retype....

Neck and shoulder ache, writers block and late night writing stints because of busy daytime schedules made each one almost an ordeal.

Now I'm writing another one to bring my approach to helping teens get better grades up to date.

There are new ideas and breakthroughs to add that’ll make a tremendous difference to 16-18 year olds facing an important milestone in their life.

...but when I say I'm writing it, that's not strictly correct.

I'm dictating it.

As a professional speaker I’m used to thinking on my feet and quickly formulating and communicating my ideas in response to audience interaction.

So rather than hunch over my MacBookPro, I'm doing a bunch of Mind Map chapter outlines(which is how I prepare my live deliveries) and then "talking" my book.

The recordings will get transcribed (rev.com).

The transcriptions will get edited (guru.com).

The text will get professionally laid out (fiverr.com)

Then I'll publish.

Isn't that something you could do too?


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